CAD/PDM Collaboration with NetMeeting



What's on offer? 





There is some new terminology used in NetMeeting that is a good idea to be familiar with before you start. I must admit that a "Call" didn't say much to me when I started! Some of these terms are described in their simplest form to allow the new user to get started as easily as possible.
Call - select a user from a list (directory) to ask him/her if they would like, for example to chat. A Call can be done through a phone - but this is not the normal method. This can be misleading.

Directory - a list supplied by an ILS-server identifying people who are logged on with NetMeeting.

ILS-server - Internet Locator Server a computer which registers users who use NetMeeting and makes their addresses available to other  users.

Sharing - Allow others to see the contents of an application e.g. ME10 or entire desktop.

Control - Giving control to others allows them to run a program themselves.

Chat - A simple system where you write short messages to another person.

Webcam - A small video camera you can attach to your PC. You don't need this to use NetMeeting if you don't want to.

Whiteboard - A sketcher that you can share.