Customer references

TRUMPF Laser GmbH + Co. KG - PDFAssistant

Click here to see a complete product review (in German).
Mecc Alte, UK - PDFAssistant

Rod Marshall: "After trawling the net to find a suitable conversion program I decided to try PDFAssistant initially by e-mailing several drawings...I was absolutely stunned with the results and so totally convinced that this was what we needed. This program is a must for anyone wishing to convert MI to PDF files and is extremely simple to use."

Click here to see a complete product review.

Siemens, Measurement Systems - HotSpell

Paul Romanowski, CAD Administrator: "My overall opinion of HotSpell is that it will make a great addition to anyone’s ME10 installation."

Click here to see a complete product review.

Paolo Marchetto, Italy - AutoSection

"Unfortunately, I am not a writer so I can't (adequately) write a praise for AutoSection macro but it's a sure thing that such tools should be part of the ME10 standard updating to justify the pots of money we continuously  pay for support."

RFA Minnesota Engineering - MachSym

Andy Torkelson: "The Machine symbol macro that I received worked very well.  I really liked how you could pick the surface that you wanted the symbol to be on, and what side of that surface.  It made my job a lot easier."

Industri-ART Design - Accuracy Advisor

Ray Dauphinais: "I have been using AA quite a bit, and have found it to be quite a tool. At first when the majority of lines were turned red, I said," what is wrong with this macro". But as it turns out it was my geometry. I thought I was as accurate as they come, but I was wrong. Everyone can benefit from this macro."

DC4 Technisches Büro GmbH - Accuracy Advisor

Ing. Walter Geppert: "Our company works with ME10 and SolidDesigner very contentedly. Because we have to do with different CAD-systems from our customers and are in the need to use DXF-libraries from various suppliers, we have experienced, that there are astonishing amounts of inaccurate drawing files. If one wants to use such files in ME10, he would learn that there are unpleasant side-effects (no hatching possible etc.). In SolidDesigner it's even worse, since you cannot create parts with such open contours and if one starts to repair and does not watch out, awfully inexact models could result up to corrupted parts. So the only way is a thorough analysis of the geometry, which was a lot of work without the right tool.

"Fortunately we have found now the Accuracy Advisor written by Darren Litherland. This is a really fine tool for a quick and complete check of a suspicious file. We have installed it on our system and it is in regular use. We strongly recommend it to everybody who has to deal with files of unknown origin."

Hytrol Conveyors - Sprockets

wpe6.gif (1416 bytes) Jim Hathcock, ME10 Cad Support: "Darren has written a sprocket macro for me, and I am very pleased with it."

(Click the sprocket for larger image)

Zygo Corporation - DualDim
wpeC.jpg (3564 bytes) Marc Godbout MCAD System Manager: "Our company was very satisfied with the custom ME10 macro (DualDim) created by Darren Litherland. The macro functions flawlessly, and has increased our designers' productivity. In my opinion, Darren's efficiency and ME10 technical prowess make him an ideal resource for ME10 macro development work."
Your Company - Professional macros

If, like these satisfied customers, you are pleased with your macros just let me know. The link to your company website is absolutely free!